Sweet, Sweet, Emmy Lou and I at the Vet.


Howdy, Double D here. Emmy Lou had to go the vet Saturday and get 2 shots in the butt. I went along to offer morale support.

It was a shot clinic, so you show up, sign in and wait till they come and get ya. Mom, Dad, Emmy and I waited outside till they came for her. While we were waiting, this other dog shows up, riding in a big truck, all raised up, huge tires, heck he needed a portable walk way to get out it! He looked like he weighed 200 hundred pounds, snorting and drool coming out the side of his  kinda mashed up lookin flat face.  He was huge! Growling at folks, hardly minded his dad at all. Of course Emmy Lou and I were perfect angles the whole time we were there.

When they brought Emmy Lou back from getting her two shots in the butt, we had to walk by this 300 pound snorting, growling dog to get to our car. Emmy Lou flew by him, didn’t look at him, paid him no mind. Me or I, on the other hand came face to face with him. Sizing up this 400 pound dog, I quickly moved so I was on the other side of dad. That way, he was next to that 500 pound dog! Dad has all of his arms and legs and I don’t, so I figured, ya know, he’d have my back on this whole thing.

All of us we made it the car OK.  We didn’t get cheeseburgers or fries or ice cream… but we all got home OK.

The end, Double D

Here’s me and Sweet, Sweet on the way home!